Kalyanika Kendriya Shiksha Niketan is committed to impart holistic education. It realizes that the true order of learning should be: first, what is necessary, second what is useful and third what is ornamental. To reverse this arrangement is like beginning to build at the edifice from the top. Even Joseph Stalin, the most condemned of Russian dictators understood the value anc importance of education and rightly observed "Education is a weapon whose effect depends or who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."The weapon of K.K.S.N, is in the safe hands of saints and since saints are committed to spiritual advancement rather than materialistic gains: the weapon is aimed at ignorance, inertia, ill-health, self-centeredness and gross materialism. It aims at providing not only intellectual stimuli and academic distinction but also prepare its student to strive for the "Summum bonum" along with the development of self-reliance, self-discipline, self-sufficiency, emotional stability, cheerfulness and develop creative response to the challenges of the modern society full of relentless competition, ruthless materialism and restlessness due to its "Sick, hurry and divided aims". Schools are not jails where the child is imprisoned for a specific period of time. It is a temple of learning with the high ideal of the wisdom which liberates the individuals and inspires him to control and conquer the beast in him.
Kalyanika Kendriya Shiksha Niketan aspires to utilize modern scientific devices and make much of its innovations like Information technology. The pupils of Primary Classes are provided computers and the use of the newest information technology will enable them to learn more easily, successfully, and enjoyably than ever before. These latest techno-tools will not only accelerate diversified learning process but also would facilitate effective and impressive teaching.